Our Work
Residential Projects
There is a large swath of the windward side of Oahu from Kahalu’u to Kahuku which struggles with rising sea levels, heavy rains, and confined areas for disposal. Pats At Punalu’u, a beautiful condominium located on the beach, had the misfortune of finding their current injection well system failing. Laulea Engineering worked with Precision Drilling, Glover Construction, and Intera Geosciences to design a deeper and larger injection well to take the place of the existing well system. Confined by a tight working area, a high sea level, and a busy hurricane season, the project came with its share of challenges. The well was completed in early October 2018 with a final depth of 75 feet and 12 inches in diameter. Special gravel was shipped in from Mexico to support the continued operation and life span of the well considering its importance. Laulea designed the injection well with Intera Geosciences, the connection, and piping to the current injection well system managed the project, and permitted it through the Hawaii Department of Health Wastewater Branch and Safe Drinking Water Branch.
Laulea designed pipes, valves, wellheads, and appurtenances for three new injection wells and completed the engineering and construction plan sheets. We also coordinated with the HDOH on all applicable permit updates and performed three site visits for investigation purposes during and after construction.

Observations had shown the water levels in the existing injection wells to be only a few inches away from the wall caps, which was a sign that the wells were at capacity. Laulea investigated the existing situation through percolation tests and studying of as-built plans and submitted a letter of intent to the HDOH to upgrade the wastewater system. We then completed the design calculations and engineering/construction plan sheets to ensure permitting with the HDOH before performing a final site visit.
Commercial + Subdivision Projects
Laulea's scope of work consisted of three phases. In the investigation phase, we coordinated a land and utility survey and performed a site and system evaluation, gathering information on the existing conditions. During the project design stage, we developed a basis-of-design report and completed the engineering plans for proposed expansions, while coordinating the permitting process with the HDOH. The last phase consisted of different services during construction where we assisted in contractor selection and produced an operation and maintenance manual for the new wastewater system.
Laulea completed the engineering plan set for the installation of the HDOH-approved Aqua Biomax wastewater treatment package unit. We continued coordination with the HDOH throughout permitting and construction and provided consulting during contractor solicitation and selection. We also performed multiple site visits for further investigation during and after construction.

Laulea Engineering conducted a feasibility study including percolation tests and meetings with the HDOH. Our scope included the design and permitting of the new wastewater treatment system and permitting with the HDOH. Lastly, we supervised the selection of contractors and perform site visits to ensure a safe construction process.