Private Wastewater Treatment Plants
Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP) are decentralized wastewater treatment systems that are generally large, yet smaller in scale compared to municipal treatment plants. WWTPs treat sewage, industrial waste, and / or agricultural waste from one or a group of commercial / residential entities that are not tied into the municipal sewage system. After the waste has been treated, the effluent is then discharged into a professionally designed disposal system. Some disposal system examples are Leach Fields and Injection Wells. Laulea Engineering has experience in developing new WWTPs and rehabilitating and expanding existing WWTPs, leach fields, and injection wells. We work closely with licensed contractors and clients to ensure the highest quality construction and compliance.
Individual Wastewater Systems
An Individual Wastewater System (IWS) is a small scale decentralized system that receives and disposes of on-site domestic wastewater from one or multiple buildings that are not connected to a centralized wastewater treatment plant. Some IWSs treat wastewater by removing pollutants such as solids, organic matter, nutrients, and bacteria using Aerobic Treatment Units (ATU) or Septic Tanks. Not all systems provide equal levels of treatment. Suspended growth aerobic treatment systems provide secondary levels of treatment, for example, while others such as septic tanks only provide primary treatment. Laulea Engineering has experience in designing both Wastewater Treatment Plants and Individual Wastewater Systems (IWS) throughout the Hawaiian islands.
Underground Injection Control (UIC)
The State of Hawaii Department of Health Safe Drinking Water Branch UIC Program regulates the injection of fluids into injection wells and ensures the prevention of any potential groundwater contamination. Nationally, UIC law is enforced by the Environmental Protection Agency since its inception in 1974 when Congress passed the Safe Drinking Water Act. Hawaii Administrative Rules Title 11, Chapter 23 references the conditions governing the location, construction, operation, and monitoring of injection wells so that subsurface injected fluids do not migrate and pollute groundwater sources for consumption. In Hawaii, the sensitivity to the protection of the environment (land and water) is especially elevated thanks to the deep-rooted values instilled in the communities within the state. The State of Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) UIC Monitoring Program consists of regularly checking the status and operation of injection wells, performing percolation tests, and producing an annual status report of the wells based on the cumulative data collected over the monitored year. Laulea Engineering LLC is proud to provide the full package service for ensuring that the injection wells in Hawaii are in proper operation and compliant with the HDOH Safe Drinking Water Branch to keep the environment pristine. In addition to UIC Monitoring, we are qualified consultants and designers of individual wastewater systems (IWS) with a professional civil engineering license and years of experience statewide.